Deep In the vastly lush continent of New Arabbiyya, The mysterious Order of The Hashasheen recruit and train gifted younglings amongst hidden grounds to eliminate enemies of the eminencies of the ruler and Badshah. Vastly unknown in the eyes of many profane, their Brotherhood has for centuries continued to instruct the refuse behind the veils of a secret school - A Quadrriyah. Here they are taught the ancient rites of Sihr and assassination in the hope of being chosen for the providence of fruitful assignment. Today as their ancient Brotherhood receives instructions from the devas or sometimes baraka from The Creator itself, one such tale is led to prominence - The chronicles of Rudra-Al-Deen. Rudra, initially found abandoned as a baby in the lands of the fallen kingdoms, was given a possible future. Now, as Rudra has grown in skill by training at the New Arrabiyyan outpost, Drinking in all that exists in manifested Dunya, with wide-opened eyes.